ps4 Steam

It doesn't matter.
We are in charge of your own destiny!

Shinobu Sanjo
Eriko Matsui

DOB August 16, 1470
Female (16)

A soldier of the Arria Federation Army's special forces, the S.S.S. The newest member of the current squad. The niece of G.S.O.'s Sakurako Sanjo. She has always looked up to her aunt Sakurako, and enlisted into the S.S.S. to follow her aunt's footsteps.

A highly accomplished rounder pilot, since childhood she has also had a taste for martial arts such as kendo (sword) and naginata (halberd). She was expected to become a refined lady, but instead took the path to becoming a warrior who "swiftly punishes evil." (Perhaps it’s in the blood.)

Under the motto of "suppressing evil," she is a promising newcomer in the S.S.S., which has attracted publicity in recent years and wants to "avoid the public eye" (according to Fabian).

Keep doing what you're doing
and this fight's ours.

Philomena Pasquini
Mikako Komatsu

DOB February 15, 1463
Female (23)

Deputy captain of Arria Federation Army's special forces, the S.S.S. She supports Captain Fabian in administrative duties. She served as interim captain after Mika left the service, and transitioned back into her current role after Fabian assumed the position.

As the brains of the S.S.S., she currently serves as Fabian's staff officer, training fresh recruits, and an instructor on battle tactics. Others see her as a mysterious beauty because she only talks about work and practical things. It's not that she's silent, but she's so awkward at communicating with people that her private life remains completely unknown.


This is a general-purpose version of the Brinstä from the team at Motivalier, which customized that model for use by S.S.S. enhanced humans. It is distinctive for its ability to make detailed and delicate movements, and as a rounder capable of great levels of expression it is often used in dance shows and the like.

Shinobu's Somali is a battle model of this rounder that makes use of its superior dexterity in order to fight using various martial arts. Control of the attack unit, which was intended for enhanced humans, has been successfully delegated to an AI. This drastically reduces the burden placed on the pilot during operation.

It has been customized (somewhat under threat of force) so that it can be equipped with the Tractor Mine and Sagittarius 2 weapons from the Triad rounder developed by Tsunami, even though they come from different manufacturers.