ps4 Steam

Ranatus... is my name...

Kaede Hondo

(Personal Data: Unknown)

Unlike Ernula, recycled from Old World artifacts and using unknown operating principles, this new model of android was created from the fruits of Opera's highest existing technology, avoiding legacy technology to the utmost extent.

Therefore, as existing personality-forming programs for androids were not showing results, a new way to study emotions from scratch has become necessary. Nino has been designated as the supervisor of the project and is proceeding with a "curriculum" for her.

Ranatus has a certain function embedded to fulfill a secret objective for Opera. Only the upper management is aware of its existence.

show me what you can do.

Nino Picciioli
Komatsu Mikako

DOB May 22, 1461
Male (25)

A researcher affiliated with Opera Corporation. Also the chief researcher on the "Ranatus" project. He believes that some sacrifices are acceptable if the results can benefit the greater good. However, that is merely an excuse for soiling his hands in order to satisfy his own intellectual curiosity. He dotes on Ranatus, as she is the only one that can placate his curiosity to the fullest.

He still looks like a child even though he is almost a middle aged man. Often mistaken for a child, he gets into a bad mood whenever someone points out his appearance.


This is a rounder made by Opera that was not made available for sale.

Since it was developed exclusively for internal use as a experimental craft, it has never entered general circulation. However, there have been sightings of a "Phantom Rounder" since the terrorist incident two years ago.

Because of its superior stealth abilities, it is incredibly difficult to catch using the search and detection equipment on modern rounders. Ranatus' Castrato is the same model as the one used by Ernula with some additional minor upgrades.