ps4 Steam

We've still got this!
Never say never!

Lev LeFanu
Daiki Yamashita

DOB January 15, 1471
Male (15)

A member of the autonomous territory Harmonia Volunteer Force within the Arria Federation.

Born in Harmonia, he lost both his parents and his memories in one of the many domestic conflicts. He was taken into protective custody and later trained to become a rounder pilot. He was assigned to the H.V.F. through the Harmonian government.

A young man who is bright, pure-hearted, and generally positive. However, he is rather clumsy because he doesn't have a knack for many things. He has a short temper regarding some trivial things, due to his past.

Henri! Didn't you say
"luxury is the enemy"?

Katie Xia Xuejuan
Ibuki Kido

DOB August 21, 1470
Female (16)

A member of the autonomous territory Harmonia Volunteer Force within the Arria Federation. Lev's operator and Henri's twin sister.

Refer to Henri's entry for family background. Currently affiliated with the H.V.F. along with Henri. An extrovert that can naturally brighten up the mood with her smile and demeanor. She uses her sharp accounting instincts to manage the squad's purse strings and is like a surrogate mother to the platoon.

She is amused by watching her straight-laced brother get roused up by Lev's antics.


This is the first combat-ready rounder developed by Jellyade Chemical.

Based on the highly stable industrial model produced by the company, this rounder has a great deal of flexibility and can be outfitted with a variety of weapons. The craft piloted by Lev is equipped with a Jelly Gun. The Jelly Gun is a unique weapon that uses the company's special repair material Jellyade, which is often used in heavy construction.