ps4 Steam

I know it was a name I used to go by.
And that man ceased to exist.

Tomoaki Maeno

An unknown entity who suddenly appeared on the Network under the same alias that Ansel Modred used two years ago during the Secret Weapon Heist.

"Ansel Modred"
Former captain of the Arria Federation Army's special forces (forerunner to the S.S.S.). The criminal mastermind behind the Secret Weapon Heist two years ago.

He went AWOL after losing many soldiers in the Embassy Occupation Incident eight years ago. When he discovered that those in power were behind the incident, he put together a plan to steal the secret weapon in order to exact his revenge.

Ansel gave up his physical body in order to assimilate and become Faith on the Network. He put his plan into motion, but was thwarted by his former colleagues Karel and Sakurako. His whereabouts are currently unknown.

"Karel Werfel"
Once an enlisted officer of the Arria Federation Army's special forces (forerunner to the S.S.S.). A collaborator in the Secret Weapon Heist two years ago. A straight-edged, man with a strong sense of loyalty. For better or for worse, a very old-fashioned person. He discovered the truth about the Embassy Occupation Incident eight years ago with Ansel, and joined the effort to steal the secret weapon.